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What is reverification for hosting providers?

Since 2006, we have been building the world’s largest database tracking which parts of the internet run on renewable power – the Green Web Dataset. Hosting providers get verified with us to become included in the Dataset as a way to publicly show their commitment towards the mission of a fossil-free internet by 2030. Providers demonstrate their continued commitment to this mission, by reverifying on a yearly basis.

What is reverification?

Reverification is our term for the process where a previously verified green hosting provider submits updated evidence to show that they continue to meet the criteria for being listed as a green provider.

Why is reverification required?

Ultimately, we see it as our duty to work with providers to ensure that the data held within the Green Web Dataset remains as accurate as possible. 

Accurate data allows those using the Dataset to have confidence in the claims of the providers listed in the Green Web Directory, and the data that is returned from our Green Web Check or, Green Web Dataset or API.

We hope you can see that it’s to everyone’s benefit – hosting providers, our users, researchers and wider society – that our records can be relied upon to inform decision making.

What data becomes out of date?

When a hosting provider first submits a verification request, we ask them to include evidence to show the steps they are taking to avoid, reduce, or offset the greenhouse gas emissions caused by using electricity to provide your service/s. The What we accept as evidence of green power page has details regarding this.

This evidence captures the steps taken by the hosting provider up until the time of their verification request (or at least for the previous calendar year). 

However, as companies grow and situations change, we need a way to ensure that verified providers are continuing to deliver services using 100% green energy or taking steps to account for the emissions they are producing in the process.

The reverification process is a way for verified providers to update the evidence they have submitted to us. 

How often do providers need to reverify?

Reverification should happen on at least an annual basis.

It should be noted that until now (October, 2023), we have relied on providers proactively reverifying. This has been due to the limited resources we operate with. But now, thanks to funding from SIDN Fonds, and donations from other organisations, we are able to dedicate time and resources to the reverification process. This funding will also allow us to take steps to automate parts of the reverification process so that it can be run with more consistency in the years to come.

What is the reverification process?

Providers are welcome to voluntarily update their evidence with us on a yearly basis. This can be done by logging in to our Provider Portal. While we’d love for every provider to remember do this, we know that’s not always possible! 

For providers who have not updated their evidence with us in over a year, we batch reverification for providers and run the process three times per year – February, June, and October. The reverification process is as follows:

  1. We will send the provider an email notifying them that it is time to reverify with the Green Web Foundation.
  2. The provider then has 30 days to update their evidence in our Provider Portal, or ask for an extension if they require one.
  3. Once updated evidence is submitted via the Provider Portal, a member of the Green Web Foundation team will review that evidence to ensure the provider is still meeting the criteria to be a green web host.

If all the required evidence is provided in a timely manner, the reverification process should only take a few of days to complete.

A timeline showing the months of the year. Three verification windows are highlighted over February, June, and October.  Markers indicate the periods in which providers are asked to reverify, the reverification window, and unverified providers being archived.
There are three reverification windows each year – February, June, and October. During this time, we ask some providers in the Green Web Dataset to share updated evidence which allows us to reverify their green status.

What happens if a provider cannot supply updated evidence?

If a provider is unable to supply updated evidence within 30 days of it being requested and they do not request an extension, then their provider listing will be archived.

What does it mean when a provider listing is archived?

When a provider listing is archived, that provider will no longer appear in our Green Web Directory. Providers can be unarchived by providing updated evidence through the Provider Portal or by contacting our Support mailbox.

Additionally, websites hosted by that provider will no longer be shown as “hosted green” by our Green Web Check or Greencheck API.