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Green Web Foundation publishes a variety of reports, articles and position papers on topics relating to digital sustainability and a just, sustainable internet.

Branch Magazine

An online magazine by and for people who dream of a just and sustainable internet.

Green Web Foundation funds, edits and publishes Branch magazine, a collaboration with the community. Branch magazine brings together developers, designers, campaigners and policy makers, in a space for personal reflection, critical engagement with technology and internet economics, as well as experimentation and storytelling.

The technical build of Branch magazine is a demonstration of a grid-aware website. That means it responds to the variability of clean energy on the grid and adapts the design and contents – a first of it’s kind.

Branch won the coveted Ars Electronica Digital Humanity award in 2021.

Branch magazine issues 1 - 8 covers
Branch magazine issues 1 – 8 covers


Long-form writing identifying and examining specific issues and recommendations that relate to the mission of a fossil-free internet.

Critical Dependencies: How Power Consolidation of digital infrastructures threatens our democracies—and what we can do about it

Critical Dependencies: How power consolidation of digital infrastructures threatens democracies—and what we can do about it (2024)

For funders seeking to strengthen the public’s interest in digital infrastructures at a systemic rather than symptomatic level. The report summarizes harms caused by unhealthy dependencies and recommends how to challenge power consolidation and foster meaningful alternatives.

Thinking about using AI? Here’s what you can and (probably) can’t change about its environmental impact.

Thinking about using AI? Here’s what you can and (probably) can’t change about its environmental impact (2024)

Intended to help people with a responsibility for AI projects understand the considerations around their direct negative environmental impact arising from AI. We cover what to be mindful of, what mitigating strategies are available today and the limitations.

Community tech meets digital sustainability cover page

A Green Handbook for Community Tech Practitioners (2023)

Explores the potential of community tech and digital sustainability through case studies, hands-on tools, and models for understanding sustainability. Commissioned by Promising Trouble and Power to Change.

Cover of the Fog of Enactment Report

Towards a Fossil-Free Internet: The Fog Of Enactment (2022)

This research report explore paths to decarbonize the internet while working towards digital ecosystems that are open, diverse and in service to people’s needs. Commissioned by us, written by leading independent researchers in digital sustainability, Gauthier Roussilhe.

Position papers

Essays to express opinions on topics relating to the goal of a fossil-free internet.

Sept 2024 – Making carbon.txt work in the Green Web Foundation

This document provides a summary of the initial research phase of our carbon.txt project, funded by NGI Search, and sets out how we intend to deliver the subsequent milestones in our project. We describe the design of the standalone validator of carbon.txt files that we intend to build as an open source reference implementation for our next milestone.

Nov 2022 – Extending IPv6 to support Carbon Aware Networking

In November 2022, we worked with academics and industry specialists on our first paper, Extending IPv6 to support Carbon Aware Networking, as a response to the Internet Architecture Board’s workshop on Environmental Impact of Internet Applications and Systems, 2022.

It was accepted, and the ideas discussed in the workshops are feeding into our Green Web Studio innovation projects.

Other insights

We regularly share a range of other insights, project updates and digital sustainability news on our blog, covering the following topics: