The Green Software Foundation Carbon Hack – 13 Oct – 10 Novby Hannah Smith13th October 20223rd July 2023Carbon aware software, Updates and events
Start calculating digital carbon emissions in 5 minutes with CO2.jsby Fershad Irani13th October 20228th January 2024CO2.js
Carbon Aware Scheduling on Nomad and Kubernetesby Ross Fairbanks10th October 20223rd July 2023Carbon aware software
The birth of – a holistic way of exploring sustainability in the digital tech sectorby Hannah Smith1st September 202212th July 2023Fellowship
Presenting new research climate justice x digital rightsby Fieke Jansen13th July 202212th July 2023Fellowship
Digitalisation and Sustainability at the SwissIGF: key takeaways and further areas of actionby Katrin Fritsch7th July 20223rd July 2023Policy, Updates and events
Using air conditioning and the five insights from my fellowshipby Emilio Velis9th June 202212th July 2023Fellowship
Reskilling for Climate Justice: 5 things to let goby Melissa Hsiung9th June 202212th July 2023Fellowship