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Help improve the CO2.js docs

Can you contribute to CO2.js?

This year, we had the exciting opportunity to participate in Google’s Season of Docs (GSOD) 2024, a program that enables open source projects to allocate technical writing resources to improve the documentation for their project. 

One of our key goals as part of this program is to drive an increase in community contributions to both the CO2.js library itself, as well as to the Developer Documentation website. This gave us an opportunity to review our documentation, and identify areas where we felt documentation was either missing, or could be improved upon. 

Contribute to better documentation for CO2.js

Very early in the GSOD project, we identified that the Developer Documentation website repository was lacking some key information that would help external contributors commit updates to the project. To improve this, we updated the repository readme to provide more instructions to help developers setup, clone, and get started with the codebase. We also created some clear contribution guidelines to steer developers through the process of making a contribution.

Where we need some help

As a small team, we’ve got a limited amount of resources we can dedicate to adding more useful content to our developer documentation. We’ve written a few introductory of tutorials, guides, and explainers. However, after reviewing the documentation for CO2.js we identified a handful of areas that we believe could be added to, or improved upon, in the docs. 

We’ve created issues for these, and would deeply appreciate contributions from members of the community to help us make progress on them. They are: 

There are also a couple of open issues that members of the community have already started working on with open pull requests. They are:

If you have ideas for any of these issues, or would like to contribute some code to help us make progress on them, then please do leave a meaningful comment in the corresponding issue or pull request.

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