Branch magazine call for contributions openby Hannah Smith8th February 20248th February 2024Publications
Green Screen Catalyst Fund open nowby Hannah Smith13th October 202313th October 2023Policy, Updates & events
Reference and guide: data sources for calculating digital emissionsby Hannah Smith22nd March 20235th May 2023Tips & resources
The Green Software Foundation Carbon Hack – 13 Oct – 10 Novby Hannah Smith13th October 20223rd July 2023Grid/carbon aware, Updates & events
The birth of – a holistic way of exploring sustainability in the digital tech sectorby Hannah Smith1st September 202212th July 2023Fellowship
What people think building a sustainable internet involves vs what it might actually beby Hannah Smith8th March 202212th July 2023Fellowship
Figuring out a model for applying climate justice to websitesby Hannah Smith16th February 202212th July 2023Fellowship
Reframing the #LetsGreenTheWeb campaign in a climate justice contextby Hannah Smith8th January 202212th July 2023Fellowship
Drawing a diagram to show the scope of climate justiceby Hannah Smith7th December 202112th July 2023Fellowship
Opening my mind to a definition of climate justiceby Hannah Smith25th November 202112th July 2023Fellowship