Part of our work at the Green Web Foundation involves sharing what we learn with peers in industry, academia, and civil society. On September 19th, Chris, our executive director will be presenting at the Green IO Conference in London. As part of the preparation for the event, Belle Dabodabo, one of staff organising the conference, conducted a short interview with Chris. We’re sharing it here for folks curious about Green IO, as well as about the Green Web Foundation’s work.
Belle: What has triggered your decision to join Green IO London?
Chris: We’re fans of Green I/O at the Green Web Foundation – our own Fershad Irani spoke at the Green IO in South East Asia earlier this year, and Hannah, our Director of Operations is speaking at Green I/O later in Paris. So when we were approached about speaking in September, and they told us about the line up, it was an easy decision to make.
Belle: Can you share one of the key messages that people will get from your talk?
Chris: One of the key takeaways I’m hoping audiences will leave with is an understanding of the role standards play in helping technologists design digital services more sustainably, and which ones are the most helpful to know about.
We’ll cover how de-facto standards are formed, like the Sustainable Web Design Model used in CO2.js, and the path that the Software Carbon Intensity by the Green Software Foundation has taken to become an ISO standard recognised globally – as well as how some of the more contentious decisions were resolved along the way.
We’ll also cover the role that new sustainability reporting standards have played in mandating a unprecedented level of disclosure from the firms for 2025, and our new project, carbon.txt to make this new information easily discoverable and usable by as many people as possible.
Belle: What is the most surprising word that you will use in your speech?
Chris: I’m not sure if it counts as a word, but if I I’m allowed to use acronyms, how about CSRD?
About the conference
Green IO Conference in London takes place in etc.venues, 155 Bishopsgate on Thursday 19th Sept and is organised by a long time friend of the Green Web Foundation, Gaël Duez.
There’s a stellar line up of luminaries in the digital sustainability community.