Joining the W3C Sustainable Web Interest Groupby Chris Adams28th February 202528th February 2025Policy, Updates & events
How do we work out the environmental savings from accessibility?by Chris Adams28th February 202528th February 2025Tips & resources
Introducing the Green Web Trackerby Fershad Irani26th February 202526th February 2025Tips & resources
Within Bounds: Joint Statement on Limiting AI’s Environmental Impactby Michelle Thorne5th February 20255th February 2025Policy, Publications
Introducing our new work on carbon.txt – the carbon.txt validator and an updated specby Chris Adams28th January 20253rd February 2025Carbon.txt
An update on the Real Time Cloud Working Groupby Chris Adams28th January 202511th February 2025Dataset
Help us find representatives for some large green hosting providersby Fershad Irani22nd January 202511th March 2025Dataset, Policy, Updates & events
Digital sustainability in WordPressby Hannah Smith10th January 202511th January 2025Tips & resources, Updates & events
Reflections on our first advisory group meeting for Grid-aware Websitesby Hannah Smith3rd January 20259th January 2025Grid/carbon aware
Notes from Green IO Paris conferenceby Chris Adams19th December 202419th December 2024Updates & events
Talking about grid aware software with the Karlsruhe Green software meetupby Chris Adams18th December 20243rd January 2025Grid/carbon aware, Updates & events